Search Results for 'interview training'

145 results found.

How to make the most of second college chance

Q: I started a college degree, but I was young and foolish, and the course didn't suit me. I lumbered along for a year and a half before cutting my (well, my parents’) losses. The following year I started again and this time I enjoyed the course much more and saw it through to completion, and even went on to get a masters earlier this summer. I'm now writing my CV as I go job-searching in earnest for the first time. Should I even mention the earlier course? I don’t want them to think I’m a quitter (AC, email).

Figuring out the future in current career fog

Q: I am thinking about leaving my job. I have no job to go to, nor, indeed, do I hate the one I have, but I feel unfulfilled. Plus, the role is so busy I haven’t the head space to think about my future. My hunch is that I should kick back and relax for a few months and figure out what I’d like to do with the next phase of my life – and then go for it. Any thoughts? (DF, email).

Why you shouldn’t aim for perfection in job interviews

Q: I have already done two mock interviews for an upcoming job. In both cases, I got friends of mine who work in the same general field – business management – to put me through my paces. While both were adamant that I did well, I know I forgot to give some good information on certain aspects of my experience. I’m afraid I will forget things on the day of the interview too. Any pointers on how I can avoid this?

How to put yourself in primary school leadership picture - Sli Nua Careers

Q: I’m a primary school teacher and really love the profession. I qualified six years ago and am now thinking moving into a school leadership role. Any suggestions on what I should do? (AH, email).

How to keep the panel looking in the right places

Q: I am going for a job interview next week and I’m pretty sure I fit the bill. However, I fear my lack of technology experience will come against me. I’m not that bad on technology but I have never used it much in the workplace. I’m told the technology required in this instance can be learned easily, but I’m afraid they will over state it in the interview when they see my deficiency? In this case, the technology is only a means to an end. There are far more important criteria, and I am very strong in the areas that really matter. In fact, I think they will struggle to get someone more suitable than me given my background in this sector. What should I do? (RC, email).

How to take some of the pain out of working from home

Q: I started a new job nine months ago. Since then, I’ve met only about five of my colleagues face to face, and just for brief periods. We’ve all been working from home, and I feel quite isolated. We do all the usual bonding stuff such as online cookery and cocktail-making events but they’re not the same. I fear this will not change any time soon and I’m wondering what I can do to make me enjoy work more. My productivity is starting to dip too? (EC, email).

Assessing your interview performance so that you do even better next time

Q: I have suffered a few setbacks on the job interview front of late. To be honest, I thought I had done a particularly good interview last time out, but I still didn't get the job. They gave me the usual guff about there being a better candidate, you did well etc., but at this stage my confidence is on the floor. Any tips? (DR, email).

Assessing your personal interview performance to do better next time

Q: I have suffered a few setbacks on the job interview front of late. To be honest, I thought I had done a particularly good interview last time out, but I still didn’t get the job. They gave me the usual guff about there being a better candidate, you did well etc., but at this stage my confidence is on the floor. Any tips? (DR, email).

Make them want you with a sparkling presentation

Q: I have been asked to give a ten-minute presentation as the start of the second interview for the job. I have never done anything like this before. It’s an online interview, just to complicate matters. Any tips? (FG, email.)

How to properly research the job without tying yourself up in knots

Q: I am preparing for an upcoming job interview. I won’t tell you a word of a lie, this job means a great deal to me. It would put me two steps further up the ladder than I could feasibly have expected at this stage in my career. I have a strong chance because I have specialist experience. But I find myself being dragged into oceans of research about the company. Is there a danger of over researching them? (DC, email.)


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